2. Product Name: City Life (multifunctional decoration wall)
Product No.: 11008
Product Specification: 3120x100cm
产品用途:1.此墙面的内容为动物城市。开端是机场的降落,31.2M长度的城 市空间里从最左端到最右端都设置了汽车轨道,贯穿于整个城市,增加墙面装饰的乐趣。
Product Usage: 1. With the theme of animal city, the 31.2M long wall begins with the airplane landing with car track running through the whole city from the leftmost end to the rightmost end, adding fun to the wall decoration.
2. 31.2米长度墙面共分为13块,每块长2.4米,高1米,可拆分也可合并。每块也有自己单独的主题哦。适合幼儿园走廊墙面的多功能性装饰。
2. The 31.2M long wall falls into a total of 13 pieces in the length of 2.4m and height of 1m. They can be separated or put together and each piece has its own theme, being suitable for the multi-functional decoration on the corridor of kindergartens.
3. Main buildings (hotel, bank, hospital, court, police station, post office and fire station) in the city are assorted with cars, such as police car, fire fighting truck, mail car and ambulance, etc. Besides, these cars will make corresponding sounds when being pressed to impress children.
产品名称:飞机场 2(1) Product Name: Airport 产品编号:11008-01 Product No.: 11008-01 产品规格:240x100cm Product Specification: 240x100cm 产品用途:飞机降落在城市啦,左侧的直升机下方利用自由落体原理将翻板滚 落,小朋友可以比一比谁的速度快,看谁先搭上地铁到动物城市中心里去哦! Product Usage: the airplane lands in the city and the flip falls down in the principle of free fall. Children can compete to see who will be the first to get on the subway to the animal city. | 产品名称:地铁 2(4) Product Name: Subway 产品编号:11008-04 Product No.: 11008-04 产品规格:240x100cm Product Specification: 240x100cm 产品用途:地铁轻按会发出声音 出了地铁站就来到了动物们最喜爱的游乐园了! Product Usage: press the subway, it can make a sound. Get out of the subway and you will arrive at the favorite amusement park. | |
产品名称:建筑工地 2(3) Product Name: Construction Site 产品编号:11008-03 Product No.: 11008-03 产品规格:240x100cm Product Specification: 240x100cm 产品用途:小朋友可以从左边的木箱子里拿出砖块贴片,在中间的磁 性贴板上构建自己喜爱的房屋。除此之外,还能把砖块放 入运输车里,行驶到城市的其他角落哦! Product Usage: children can take bricks from the left wooden box and build their own house on the middle magnetic board. Besides, they can also put bricks in the carrier vehicle and drive to other corners of the city. | 产品名称:磁悬浮 2(2) Product Name: Magnetic Suspension 产品编号:11008-02 Product No.: 11008-02 产品规格:240x100cm Product Specification: 240x100cm 产品用途:列车轻按会发出声音! Product Usage: press it and the train can make a sound. | |
产品名称:游乐园 2(5) Product Name: Amusement Park 产品编号:11008-05 Product No.: 11008-05 产品规格:240x100cm Product Specification: 240x100cm 产品用途:游乐场里有旋转木马,摩天轮,观光小火车还有水上滑 道。其中摩天轮可以拖过摇手柄转动,水上滑道上的动 物车也可以滑动哦。 Product Usage: there is merry-go-round, ferris wheel, tourist train and water slide in the amusement park. Among them, the ferris wheel can be rotated via the handle and animal car on the water slide can also slide. | 产品名称:美食街 2(6) Product Name: Food Street 产品编号:11008-06 Product No.: 11008-06 产品规格:240x100cm Product Specification: 240x100cm 产品用途:小朋友把从章鱼手上盆子里的食物放到公鸡服务员手上的 托盘中,然后由公鸡沿着滑道送到3个餐台上,餐台上带有 磁性,方便食物黏贴。 Product Usage: children can take food from the plate in the hand of the octopus and put in the tray in the hand of the cock waiter which will deliver food to the dining table along the slide. The dining table is magnetic and food can be stuck. | |
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产品名称:酒店、银行 2(7) Product Name: Hotel and Bank 产品编号:11008-07 Product No.: 11008-07 产品规格:240x100cm Product Specification: 240x100cm | 产品名称: 医院、法院 2(8) Product Name: Hospital and Court 产品编号:11008-08 Product No.: 11008-08 产品规格:240x100cm Product Specification: 240x100cm | |
产品名称:警察局、邮局 2(9) Product Name: Police Station and Post Office 产品编号: 11008-09 Product No.: 11008-09 产品规格:240x100cm Product Specification: 240x100cm | 产品名称:消防局、体育场 2(10) Product Name: Fire Station and Stadium 产品编号: 11008-10 Product No.: 11008-10 产品规格:240x100cm Product Specification: 240x100cm | |
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产品名称:学校 2(11) Product Name: School 产品编号:11008-11 Product No.: 11008-11 产品规格:240x100cm Product Specification: 240x100cm 产品用途:学校的左侧设置有公交站台,左侧的红绿灯会发出光亮。 Product Usage: there is a bus stop at the left side of the school and the traffic light there can work. | 产品名称:加油站 2(12) Product Name: Gas Station 产品编号:11008-12 Product No.: 11008-12 产品规格:240x100cm Product Specification: 240x100cm 产品用途:加油站的右侧有一个单独的汽车滑道,可以让小朋友把小汽车行驶 到加油站。 Product Usage: there is an independent automobile slipway at the right side where children can drive cars to the gas station. | |
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产品名称:大剧院 Product Name: Theatre 产品编号:11008-13 Product No.: 11008-13 产品规格:240x100cm Product Specification: 240x100cm 产品用途:大剧院里挂有打击乐器:风铃琴,铝片琴,铜锣,铃鼓,响板等。 Product Usage: there are percussion instruments: bar chimes, aluminum sheet, gong, tambourine, castanets, etc. in the theatre. |
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